not by YaST

$sudo zypper install --type pattern devel_basis
$sudo zypper install gcc-fortran
$sudo zypper install hdf5 hdf5-devel hdf5-devel-static
$sudo zypper install netcdf netcdf-devel netcdf-devel-static
$sudo zypper install openmpi3 openmpi3-devel
$sudo zypper install lapack-devel lapack-devel-static
$sudo zypper install blas-devel blas-devel-static
$sudo zypper install fftw3-devel

when want to use mpi,
$. /usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi3/bin/

when YAMBO installing, they make libs in /lib64, but want to compile including /lib